Rape Victim Losing Her Mind...OMG!

This is so wrong!....Its bad enough being raped by someone you know,but to be raped by a total stranger is torture....pure hell!
Baby girl dry your tears please.....please!
 ''Dear Stella,
I am crying typing this email to you, I am an ardent reader of your blog and I make comments practically on every post.
I admire and love all you do and how you relate with the BVs. Now its my urn to seek for support.
I am in my early 30s and single, a graduate, I have a good business, make good money, have my own apartment , drives a good car. I have few friends but very close to my family.
I was robbed and raped by a bikeman over a week ago.
I live in Abuja but it didn't happen in Abuja, I travelled on a job assignment to Kogi state and I arrived there late and took a bike, the guy knew I didn't know where I was going as I was a stranger and he could tell because I kept calling my colleague on the phone and she asked me to give the phone to the bike guy for her to describe. the guy took me to a wrong place, packed,beat me up, collected all I had and raped me.
I couldn't reach my colleague again as he had collected my phones, I found my way to a nearby house and the owners accommodated me after I told them all that happened, they felt sorry for me. I couldn't  sleep and I cried till morning, they gave me some cash but  I couldn't do what I went for and I took the early bus back to Abuja.
When I got to Abuja, I told my sisters and I went to the hospital and all test where conducted and all came negative(I was happy at least) but was told to wait for 6months to conduct an HIV test. Sine then I cant do anything, cant concentrate, I cry all the time and I am scared. I cant remember if the rapist used a condom or not because he was hitting me so hard. I didn't report the case because it happened in Kogi state and I just couldn't wait there the following day to report just wanted to leave.
All I have been praying for is to find a good partner and build my own home, then this happened. what can I do? I am a very prayerful Muslim girl and I believe in morals and justice. Ive been in my room for 5days now am going crazy thinking of the worst, thinking I have to wait 6 WHOLE months to know my fate. I cant talk to the few friends I have and my sisters aren't in Abuja with me.
Please help me.... how can I survive without feeling like I want to tear myself into pieces''.

*deep sigh*.....come here and let me hug you tight.I feel so much love in my heart for you right now in your helpless state.just give it all to God...give him the fear, the pain,the tears....

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